The singing competition show, American Idol, was first broadcasted in 2002 on FOX. After 14 seasons, it ended in 2016. The show was then rebooted with an entire new judging panel. Here are the winners from the past 19 seasons:
- Kelly Clarkson (2002)
- Ruben Studdard (2003)
- Fantasia Barrino (2004)
- Carrie Underwood (2005)
- Taylor Hicks (2006)
- Jordin Sparks (2007)
- David Cook (2008)
- Kris Allen (2009)
- Lee DeWyze (2010)
- Scotty McCreery (2011)
- Phillip Phillips (2012)
- Candice Glover (2013)
- Caleb Johnson (2014)
- Nick Fradiani (2015)
- Trent Harmon (2016)
- Maddie Poppe (2017)
- Laine Hardy (2018)
- Just Sam (2019)
- Chayce Beckham (2020)